exercise and lifestyle

One of the three essentials For Health and a Long Life is exercise. It is not enough to eat right and take the right supplements. We need to keep our bodies supple and strong and our minds alert. Exercise is vital for all three. The proper amount and type of exercise should be suited to your needs and consider your level of fitness. But whatever level we start at, exercise will make a big difference For Health and Long Life. 

Professional athletes are some of the fittest people alive during their active careers, but many carry injuries that affect their well-being in later life. Their training regime aims to compete at an elite level with the health benefit being a by-product, not the goal. An elite athlete sacrifices a lot in pursuing that Olympic medal or other victories, including many hours a day, spent training. These are sacrifices that can come back to haunt in later life.

Let's not ignore the fantastic achievement and inspiration that a world-class athlete brings to us, but their training and exercise regime was designed for one purpose, to win, almost at any cost. 

For Health and Long Life exercise regime and courses are for Health and Long Life. 

exercise that is tailored to your fitness level

Our exercise regime is specifically designed to be part of a sustainable lifestyle and is tailored to meet your individual fitness level.

We do this by first establishing what your physical condition is now and what your fitness goals are. 

You have to exercise regularly; many things are essential in maintaining a beneficial exercise regime.

One of the first things you will have to provide the information we need to best personalize your exercise regime.

There is more information than we need; we hear how we should exercise from those who believe it has to hurt to count. Yet, it is widely accepted that the most important thing is that you develop a sustainable, regular and beneficial exercise regime. One that will tax you but not leave you with aching muscles and so exhausted that it may be up to a week before you can complete the exercises again or just give up. 

We need to enjoy the process, and the desire to do it will follow. This is one of the main ingredients of success. Just doing it regularly is ultimately what matters.

Make sure you keep that balance between exercise, rest, and sleep. Realize how important it is to take a break and return to the exercise refreshed. Resting between each set enables and improves our performance. So follow the program, and you will find that not only will you be able to complete your routine, you will enjoy it.

Exercise is not only for the young

Cardio exercises are incredibly beneficial for people with heart ailments. Walking and swimming are excellent for people who have diabetes or blood pressure issues. Both exercises improve immunity, increase your metabolism, and build muscle mass. Your joints will benefit from Cardio workouts too. Fit in some floor exercises with resistance bands. Floor exercises are suitable for your joints as well.

Exercise can also maintain bone strength, alleviate symptoms of chronic conditions such as arthritis, and even lower the risk of Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, and colon cancer. It also helps with weight loss.

Remember to wear appropriate footwear when exercising and maintaining proper posture.

The Benefits of Exercise

Exercising makes you fitter, boosts your mood, and enhances your memory even when you start from being relatively unfit or unwell. And don't think you won't be able to keep up. The thing about exercise is that there are different levels of fitness and you can work at your own pace. You don't need to do elaborate exercises to regain your strength and flexibility. A simple as a set of stretching, endurance, and balance exercises. 15 minutes a day will get you started. 

All you need to start with is a mat and a couple of exercise bands. And if you are unable to manage that at first then try low-intensity exercises for short periods at a time. 





The Benefits of Regular Exercise as you Age

Cardio exercises are incredibly beneficial for people with heart ailments. Walking is excellent for people who have diabetes or blood pressure issues. 

Both exercises improve immunity, increase your metabolism, and build muscle mass. Your joints will benefit from Cardio workouts too. Take up biking, Pilates, rowing machines, swimming, or walking, and try and fit in some floor exercises. Floor exercises are good for your joints as well.

Exercise can also maintain bone strength and thereby alleviate symptoms of chronic conditions such as arthritis, and even lower the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, and colon cancer. It also helps with weight loss.

Do remember to wear appropriate footwear when you are exercising and maintain proper posture.


Exercise should be about health first. So think of exercise as the maintenance you require to keep your body functioning properly, making it look better and last longer. After all, you wouldn't think of driving a car around that hadn't been maintained adequately. It's dangerous to do so. The truth is, not looking after yourself is even more dangerous.

Exercise and play Have fun with your routine

Exercise doesn't need to be a chore. In fact, it definitely should not be. And if it is, it may be time to rethink how you have been trying to fit it into your lifestyle.

The appeal of exercise is probably different for many people, but the need for it is essential for all of us. So finding a way to enjoy it is vital because if we don't, we see one of the most important aspects of keeping healthy as a chore, and it needn't be.

Stay positive:

Exercise should be fun. 

Make sure that you make your exercise time fun. Something you will look forward to that you like to do with your partner or friends. It is good to have people you can talk to about your goals and help you attain them. To help you sustain your beneficial lifestyle changes to witness your success. 

While you exercise, listen to your favorite music or train with your partner or a friend. Dance, like music, it lifts the soul. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that you have fun. You are far more likely to continue if you are enjoying yourself.

Begin with a 20-minute workout twice a week and slowly add another day to your workout week.  

Make it a habit of being in what we call the "Zone" while exercising. Take it one session at a time, with workouts designed specifically for you to make exercise a healthy, enjoyable habit.

Click HERE for information on why exercising in the "Zone" is so essential. 

The best exercise routine for you may be different from the best exercise routine for someone else. Your goals and other factors; need to be taken into consideration.

Your primary goal may be; weight loss or it may be to gain muscle or increase flexibility.

You may have an injury that needs to be catered for or a medical condition. Age is a factor, even though some people at 65 are fitter than a 40-year-old.

Your present physical condition is important, this to a great extent will affect the type of exercise, number of reps and sets, and other aspects of your exercise routine.

How Fit are You?

Track your progress. It makes sense. A log of your exercise activity can show you at a glance if you are doing the most beneficial number of exercises over time. 

Your end goal is best summed up as "For Health and Long Life", but if weight loss is a high consideration for you, then your, For Health and Long Life, exercise regime will be different from someone who has, for example, high regard for increasing strength or for improving their swimming speed.  

Eat to support your exercise routine.    

Nutrition is a vast field. One of the main aspects is providing your body with the nutrients your body requires to be healthy and energetic. Research shows that our exercise program will be more successful if we consume the correct foods.

Eating the correct diet will give us the energy we require to help us achieve our goals. That is why we are in the process or formulating and preparing FHALL Low Carb Kitchen Meal Plans to support a healthy exercise regime. See our delicious low-carb and Keto Recipes.

Your information. This is private and confidential and will only be used to design your personalized exercise program.