Keto based diet from the FHALL Low Carb Kitchen




Up until recent years, the life expectancy in developing countries has increased. However, in the second decade of the 21st century, many countries have witnessed a notable slowdown in life expectancy for male and female mortality.

Interestingly, genetics are thought to account for only 20–30% of longevity while, environmental influences, including diet and lifestyle, are believed to play a huge role in determining your lifespan.


“Blue Zones,” are geographic areas where people have low rates of chronic disease and as a result live longer (up to 90 and 100 years old) than those outside the "Blue Zones." 

A number of studies have found that these areas contain extremely high rates of nonagenarians and centenarians, which are people who live over 90 and 100, respectively.

Interestingly, genetics probably only account for 20–30% of longevity. Therefore, environmental influences, including diet and lifestyle, play a huge role in determining your lifespan.


Ageing is a natural process, and no amount of creams will stop, slow down or entirely reverse the ageing process . These solutions may keep age at bay on a superficial level, but they are not going to help you live longer.

The good news is that by studying and adopting at least some of the habits of people who live in the "Blue Zone" there is significant evidence that it is possible to live a longer and healthier life. 


Long-term calorie restriction may help longevity.

Okinawans tend to follow the 80% rule, which they call “hara hachi bu.” This means that they stop eating when they feel 80% full, rather than 100% full.

Caloric restriction and periodic fasting are common in Blue Zones.

Both these practices can significantly reduce risk factors for certain diseases and prolong healthy life.


One thing common to Blue Zones is that those who live there primarily eat a 95% plant-based diet. 

However, after much research, we believe that a low carbohydrate diet is the healthiest option. There are so many benefits of this diet. Please click LINK,  for you copy of What is the Keto Diet

But we do agree that, fish, often eaten in Icaria and Sardinia is a good source of omega-3 fats, which are important for heart and brain health. Eating fish is associated with slower brain decline in old age and reduced heart disease.


A study of over 600,000 people found that doing the recommended amount of exercise lowers your risk of an early death by 20% over people who do not partake in physical activity.

The recommended exercise does not need to be done in a gym. Nor is it excessive. Moderate exercise such as gardening, walking, climbing stairs and cooking are all getting you off the couch.  We are talking about 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity or 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic intensity exercise per week.  A goal that is possible to maintain for most people.

If you double that activity,  it is indicated that you can reduce the risk of early death by as much as 39%.

using food supplement biotechnology

Given the advances we have made in science and technology,  we are very lucky to live in the 21st Century.  There is a great advantage to applying science to our healthy living regime. 


Resveratrol is an antioxidant believed to help to protect cells from free radicals. It may also assist with maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system and also normal female hormones. 

Resveratrol compound is primarily found in red wine, and also in Japanese Knotweed plant.  

An average glass of red wine provides approx. 1mg of resveratrol at most, while a handful of peanuts provide about 73µg of resveratrol. 

Resveratrol capsules provide 150mg resveratrol each. Micrograms (µg) are 1000 times smaller than milligrams (mg).


Manufactured in the UK to GMP code of practice and supplied in innovative letterbox friendly and recyclable packaging.

These procedures ensure that the basic manufacturing practices and prerequisites necessary for product quality and safety are being followed so that we can guarantee you receive consistently high quality products.


Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

other factors


Getting an adequate number of ours rest and undesturbed sleep would appear to be very important for living a long and healthy life. 

People in Blue Zones get sufficient sleep and also often take daytime naps. A number of studies have found that not getting enough sleep, or getting too much sleep, can significantly increase the risk of death, including from heart disease or stroke.

A large analysis of 35 studies found that seven hours was the optimal sleep duration. Sleeping a lot less or a lot more than that was associated with an increased risk of death.

Healthy Social Network

Older and younger people living together: In many Blue Zones, grandparents often live with their families. Studies have shown that grandparents who look after their grandchildren have a lower risk of death.

A healthy social network: Your social network, called “moai” in Okinawa, can affect your health. For example, if your friends are obese, you have a greater risk of being obese, possibly through social acceptance of weight gain.